Cancel Event in Cvent - v1

An event uploaded to Cvent may be cancelled* through ChapterPRO.
*Cvent events are never deleted, only cancelled

Find three options below, with different ChapterPRO event results:
A. Delete event on ChapterPRO, cancel event on Cvent
B. Take event offline in ChapterPRO, cancel event on Cvent.
C. Keep event online on ChapterPRO, cancel event on Cvent.

OPTION A: Delete event on ChapterPRO, cancel event on Cvent.

1. Go to ChapterPRO event > edit event > DESCRIPTION > Upload to Cvent must set to YES and there must be a last uploaded: date/time.

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2. Click Delete this Event.

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3. Pop up window display > read message (customized per event) > click OK.

Event is deleted in ChapterPRO. The event will be cancelled in Cvent per the following upload schedule: Sunday - Thursday 12 am CT (US), and YPOI completes final steps Monday - Friday during business hours. 

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OPTION B: Take event offline in ChapterPRO, cancel event on Cvent.

1. Go to ChapterPRO event > edit event > DESCRIPTION > CONTROLS > Upload to Cvent must be set to YES and there must be a last uploaded on: date/time.

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2. Click green EYE > click Take event OFFLINE.

Modified event file uploads to YPOI servers Sunday - Thursday 12 am CT (US), and YPOI completes final steps Monday - Friday during business hours. Typically the process is completed by morning, allow up to 24 hours.

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OPTION C: Keep event online on ChapterPRO, cancel event on Cvent.

1. Go to ChapterPRO event > edit event > CONTROLS > Upload to Cvent is YES and a last uploaded: date/time is displayed > switch toggle Upload to Cvent to NO.

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2. Login to Cvent > edit event > Event Details > General > Event Status > Cancel.

TIP: When Upload to Cvent is unchecked, edits made to event in ChapterPRO are no longer uploaded to Cvent.

Checking box Upload to Cvent again after event is cancelled directly in Cvent does not work.