Be sure to check your email for all the details. Watch the overview – CLICK HERE.
NOTE: When scheduling an email, be patient. It
takes 7 minutes AFTER the time scheduled for the email to send and be
moved from the Scheduled Email folder to the Sent folder.
- Sending to RECIPIENTS > Divisions + MESSAGE > Insert Event + SEND > Schedule email
- Sending to RECIPIENTS > Directory Individually + MESSAGE >
Insert Event + Insert sections with auto-updates, edits not allowed
- Attaching an Excel file ending .xls. Save as .xlsx and upload works fine.
Please let us know if you experience any issues. We can't wait to receive your comments.
ANNOUNCED 30 SEPTEMBER - ChapterPRO supports YPO Concierge
YPO is committed to supporting our members, whether they have a quick question about their membership or are facing an emergency. YPO Concierge member care specialists are the global experts for all things YPO. Members and spouse/partners can reach out through or live chat on YPO Connect 24/5.Unsure of when to use Concierge? No request is too big, or too small. Our member care experts provide guidance and help YPOers make the most of the global opportunities of their membership.
If you prefer to not include the YPO Concierge banner on your site, let us know and we'll remove it.
Upon request, we will upload an email announcement to your drafts folder to send to your membership.
We make it easy to update your chapter site:
• Complete the Annual Renewal Survey 2021
Please complete the survey no later than June 15 for updates to be completed by July 1.
ChapterPRO is looking to start a biweekly and/or monthly Webinar that will discuss various topics.
The Webinars will be 15 minute trainings with a 15 minute Q&A session.
We would like your feedback as to topics you would like to see in the first set of Webinars, also the frequency and time frames.
Click here for a quick survey regarding topics and time frames.