2019 Announcements

ANNOUNCED 14 August 2019 - Administrative Guide Password

The ChapterPRO Administrative Guide now requires a password for access:
*Save the password to your browser to access without entering it each time you visit.

Check out these new tweaks to ChapterPRO, we think you'll be pleased with the improved functionality!
  • When in any V8 editor (Email, Text*, Contact Preferences, Site Access Report, Waiver of Liability Report*) the masthead is not displayed giving you more screen space.
  • Find small changes to the Administrators Control Panel.
    • Chapter name added underneath Welcome.
    • HOME icon added to far right of INFO icon to return home from V8 editors.
2. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS now include Instagram.
  • choose to include Inactive Responders in event report for the TOTAL RSVP, YES and NO reports.
4. PAST CHAIRS** page is now dynamic!
  • This page updates dynamically at the turn of your chapter year, adding the previous years chapter chair(s).
  • If a member on the list is deceased, alert us and we'll add the asterisks next to their name.
Let us know what you think!
*Text and Waiver of Liability Report not available on all sites
** Past Chairs, Past Chairmen, Past Chapter Chairs not found on all sites

Please update your records to our new mailing address:
The Code Crew
800 The Mark Lane #101
San Diego, CA 92101

ANNOUNCED 9 May 2019 – FOR YPO-YPO GOLD SITES ONLY - Annual Renewal Time
It's time to update your ChapterPRO website.
Click this link for brief instructions, ChapterPRO Annual Renewal.

We look forward to working with you again this year, getting your site in tip top shape for the coming chapter year. 

ANNOUNCED 23 April 2019 FOR YPO SITES ONLY – Chapter Waiver of Liability

It's been brought to our attention that YPOI recommended chapters get their own Chapter Waiver of Liability signed by all members. We are working on creating a solution for all chapters. Please provide your feedback by Friday 4/26, send to support@chapterpro.com.
1. If we offered a solution, is this something your chapter would implement?
2. If yes, which option would you prefer?
Option A:
Email editor > click Insert Preset, Waiver of Liability > standard waiver text (same for everyone) is inserted including the chapter logo at the top and at the bottom is a button "I AGREE" > member clicks button > opens browser with alert message "Your Waiver of Liability agreement has been received" > response is tracked in a report accessible by Site Admin.
Option B:
Same as above except it has the Insert Preset for the I AGREE button ONLY, each chapter uploads their own custom Waiver of Liability text.
We look forward to providing this solution ASAP, before July 1.

ANNOUNCED 3 March 2019 – Master Attendance Report

We are working on the Master Attendance Report feature currently and need your help. Please send a sample of your Master Attendance Report and any additional information to support@chapterpro.com, so we may incorporate your requirements into our solution.
Thank you!

ANNOUNCED 1 February 2019 – V8 Email Upgrade

V8 Email Editor Upgrade – Check out this overview highlighting the new look and new features! 

ANNOUNCED 27 January 2019 – Chapter Officers Editor Upgrade

Now when you populate your Chapter Officers/Board of Directors/Executive Committee using the Groups > Chapter Officers editor, the member profiles dynamically add the officer title to the members Offices Held section!  All edits and changes apply to member profiles as well.
Go to your Chapter Officers page, click on a name to go to their profile, and in the lower left of the page you'll find OFFICES HELD with the 2017-2018 Officer Title on display. 
(This applies ONLY for 2017-2018 and moving forward. It will not add titles from previous chapter years dynamically.)
Hooray for efficiency!