23 April 2019 For YPO sites Only
It's been brought to our attention that YPOI recommended chapters get their own Chapter Waiver of Liability signed by all members. We are working on creating a solution for all chapters. Please provide your feedback by Friday 4/26, send to support@chapterpro.com.
1. If we offered a solution, is this something your chapter would implement?
2. If yes, which option would you prefer?
Option A:
Email editor > click Insert Preset, Waiver of Liability > standard waiver text (same for everyone) is inserted including the chapter logo at the top and at the bottom is a button "I AGREE" > member clicks button > opens browser with alert message "Your Waiver of Liability agreement has been received" > response is tracked in a report accessible by Site Admin.
Option B:
Same as above except it has the Insert Preset for the I AGREE button ONLY, each chapter uploads their own custom Waiver of Liability text.
We look forward to providing this solution ASAP, before July 1.