RSVP Confirmation Email Notification Settings

Site Administrators and Site Agents may select whether or not to receive a copy of the RSVP confirmation emails sent to the members.

This is a setting currently managed by customer support.

If you request NO, you will not receive a copy of any RSVP confirmation emails.
*member type titles vary by site

If you request YES, a copy of their RSVP confirmation email is sent to your email address (assigned in your profile under COMPANY).

There are three options to choose from:

ALL – Receive an email notification every time a member RSVP's to an event.
*member type titles vary by site

if RSVP is modified – Receive an email notification only if there has been a change to their response.
*member type titles vary by site

if modified after cancellation cutoff – Receive an email notification only if there has been a change to their response AFTER the cancellation cutoff.
*member type titles vary by site

TIP: Cancellation Cutoff must be set in event editor > DESCRIPTION > CONTROLS.

If you would like to confirm or change your current setting, send us a message and we'll confirm and/or update per your request.

1. Go to Administrators Control Panel > click info icon > click CUSTOMER SERVICE.

2. Enter message in the text field > click SEND.