Email - Insert Image with Text Wrapping

Use a table to add an image with text wrapping. 

TIP: Outlook will not wrap text around an image unless placed in a table.

1. Click Gridlines to display the borders of the table in the email editor.

Image Placeholder

2. Place the cursor where you would like the table inserted. Click on the table icon in the toolbar.

Image Placeholder

3. Choose the size of the table you would like inserted.  i.e. 1 row by 2 columns.

Image Placeholder

4. Click the table icon > table properties >

Image Placeholder

5. Change the table Width to 670px and the Boarder width to 0, click Save:

Image Placeholder

6. Place cursor in the first cell of the new table then click insert/edit image icon:

Image Placeholder

7.  In Insert/Edit Image dialog box, click source icon.

Image Placeholder

8. MoxieManager > find image or upload new image from your computer, click Insert.

Image Placeholder

9.  Edit Width of image > Save.

TIP: Width of 350 equals half the size of an email window width.

Image Placeholder

10.  Image inserted into the body of the message.

Image Placeholder

11.  Adjust column size to fit image width.

Image Placeholder

12. Copy and paste the text from below into the new table next to the image:

Image Placeholder

13. The next now looks like it is wrapped around the image and all email programs will display it correctly.