Upload PDF in News Editor

1. Admin Control Panel > Content > click CREATE NEWS ITEM.

2. Add TITLE

OPTIONAL: Add a BRIEF DESCRIPTION. Entering a description of your news item is optional. This will appear in the News Archive view and when viewing the actual News Item itself.

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3. CREATE NEWS ITEM > click Choose File to select the PDF file from your computer.

NOTE: Once selected you’ll see the PDF file name next to the Choose File button.

4. Click UPLOAD PDF.

5. Now you see the message, “ITEM IS AN UPLOADED PDF FILE NAMED  __________. "

TIP: If the PDF File name is incorrect, click DELETE PDF > go back to step #3. 

6. OPTIONAL: ACTIVATE POP-UP ALERT.  Check the box. Select  START DATE & TIME and  END DATE & TIME in the fields.

TIP: You may type directly in the field, or click on the calendar icon to choose a date and enter time.

NOTE: A pop-up alert will display in front of the landing page when a member logs into the desktop, or in front of the calendar page on a mobile app. The member will have the option to either CLOSE or CLOSE AND DON’T SHOW AGAIN.

7. Click SAVE.

8. Click on ARCHIVE to return to the News Archive page. All news items default to offline status so you may view prior to posting.

9. Find the PDF News Item > click TAKE ONLINE.

NOTE: All new items are defaulted to OFFLINE status

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Now you have added a PDF file as a News Item for your members to view. If you’ve added the Pop-up Alert, they will see this when they login to the site and whenever they return to MYHOME page on a desktop computer. On a mobile device they will view the news item instead of landing on the calendar page upon login.