Create New Bulletin Board

Admins can create a new Bulletin Board in the Content Editor.

1. Admin Control Panel > CONTENT > BULLETIN BOARD > click CREATE NEW ITEM.

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or click + on Bulletins Archive.

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 2. Choose format: Custom Text (open text box in one column), Member List (up to 4 columns list of member names), Member & Spouse List (up to 4 columns list of member and spouse names), Preset Layouts (either 3 or 4 column table).

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Enter optional heading, then message in text box. Click SAVE.

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Enter optional heading, text, and/or column heading.  Select up to 10 names for each column from drop menu.  Member names will be automatically linked to their profile pages. Click SAVE.

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3. Click SAVE.

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4. After SAVE is clicked, the completed bulletin will display at the bottom of the page to proof before taking online.

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5. Click red eye to take Bulletin online.

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6. Click HOME icon to view HOME page with the new Bulletin displayed.

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